The "Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire" (office and laboratory building complex)

Contracting authority
City, Country

Paris, France



# invited teams


Surface sqm



Design phase

The "Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire" (IRSN), located at 31 avenue de la division Leclerc in Fontenay-aux-Roses, has embarked on a process of regrouping its professional activities at its Fontenay-aux-Roses site. The construction project for a new housing complex in place of buildings 02, 23, 44 called Sub-Project No. 05 (SP05), is part of this overall process. This building will make it possible to permanently accommodate services and activities and also to provide the "buffer" surfaces necessary to initiate the movements of the overall process on the site of Fontenay-aux-Roses. The objective of the project is to set up offices and laboratories in the new buildings as well as existing or new specific activities and functions such as: Technical Crisis Center, computer rooms, conference room, garage, etc. The project will be carried out in three phases: - phase 1 consists of the demolition of buildings 23 and 44, followed by the construction of a first building representing approximately the first third of the overall project. This first building is built up to the limit of the existing building 02, leaving space to allow the demolition in the second phase of the first half of this building; - phase 2 consists of the demolition of the first half of building 02 then the construction of the second building in extension, with connection at each level, of the previous one, leaving space to allow demolition in the third phase of the second half of the building; - phase 3 consists of the demolition of the second half of building 02 then the construction of the third building in extension, with connection at each level, of the previous one. The missions of the Project Management will make it possible to: - define and have the reconstruction of building 02 carried out, by applying and respecting the regulatory, budgetary, deadline, and quality requirements and constraints; - ensure the continuation of activity, as well as the availability of roads for the evacuation of people throughout the duration of the work; - ensure the guarantee and security of the outskirts of worksite areas, pedestrian and personal vehicle traffic, operation, delivery, and service; - respect and take into account all phasing constraints and "drawer" operations. The mission of Project Management consists of coordinating and directing the entire operation until the "turnkey" delivery of the operation. The objective is to design and carry out a technologically and financially optimised installation, both in terms of investment and operation.

ergonomie et conseil
fabrice bougon

Strategic definition until in use, project scheduling management, fire engineering coordination, sustainable building design